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360 Degree Vaser Liposuction Turkey - Liposuction Fat Removal Surgery Antalya: Price, Review, Before&After

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360-Degree Liposuction


360-degree liposuction is a suitable surgical procedure for those who want to get rid of their fat in several areas. In this procedure, the body areas are shaped from top to bottom. It is mostly performed for aesthetic purposes and after obesity surgery.

The procedure applied midsection of the body and incluiding, upper and lower abdomen, waist, upper and lower bra rolls, love handles and sacral area and also abdominal etching is possible. This procedure allows the flattening of the abdomen, thinning of the waist and clarification of the body curves, rounding of the hip protrusions, and elimination of similar aesthetic problems in the areas where fat accumulates.

In summary, this procedure improves the arms, legs, abdomen, body circumference and waist area. This procedure, which thins the body with applications in different body areas, gives a completely fit and tightened appearance. In this procedure, vaser liposuction or laser method is generally used.

This procedure is not intended for the obesity treatment. 360-degree liposuction procedure can be performed for patients whose body mass index are lower than 30.

Try Dr. Bülent Demir Plastic Surgery to achieve a more aesthetic and naturally fit appearance with 360 Degree Liposuction in Antalya, do not forget to contact us for more.

What is 360-degree Liposuction?

It is a surgical procedure that encompasses many areas of the body and makes you thinner. It gives the body a more sculpted appearance. As stated above, this procedure is not intended for patients with obesity. This procedure is only a regional thinning application and does not provide a solution to the problem of excess weight. It is mainly preferred by those who are at the ideal weight, but does not have a tight and thin appearance.

360-degree liposuction can be applied to people who are at ideal weight for 6 months or longer, are over the age of 18, and have intact skin elasticity. Of course, the patient should also not have any problem that prevents the application of this procedure or anaesthesia.

How Much Fat Is removed in 360-degree Liposuction Procedure?

The answer to this question varies depending on the patient’s health status and physical characteristics. The patient’s age, body fat percentage, height, weight, habits such as alcohol consumption and smoking play a role in determining the amount of fat to be removed. If there is no adverse event, it is possible to remove 5-10 litres of fat with this procedure.

What are the Steps of the 360-degree Liposuction?

In this procedure, vaser or laser liposuction is used. If laser liposuction is preferred, the fat in the area is broken down with the help of laser energy before the application. On the other hand, ultrasonic sound waves are used in the Vaser liposuction method to break down fat cells. Since the procedure is performed under general anaesthesia, it does not cause pain and suffering.

The fat masses which are made smaller is aspirated through cannulas. Small incisions of 3-5 mm are made in the areas where the application will be made. Then the excess fat is removed with thin cannulas.

What Should Be Considered After 360-degree Liposuction Procedure?

The patient should follow an appropriate diet and exercise program and make the changes in lifestyle and diet permanent. Otherwise, fat may return in the areas where the fat was removed by this procedure. Of course, weight regain does not happen easily in such a short time. But this possibility should be considered.

The patient may be asked to stay in the hospital for 1 day. After the operation, the patient is asked to wear a corset for 1 month.